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How do LED Neon Signs Work, Plug-In Requirements, Durability, and Lighting Mechanism

06 December, 2023, 6:00 pm

Neon signs have been a staple in the advertising industry for decades. Their bright, eye-catching designs have become synonymous with businesses and storefronts all over the world. However, traditional neon signs are expensive, fragile, and require high maintenance. But how do LED neon signs work? Do they need to be plugged in? Are they any good? How long do they last? In this ultimate guide, we will answer all these questions and more, giving you a comprehensive understanding of LED neon signs.

How are LED neon signs designed?

How are LED neon signs designed?
How are LED neon signs designed?
How do LED neon signs work? In the traditional production of neon signs, soft lead glass (crystal) undergoes a manual process of heating, bending, and twisting, followed by cooling and fusion. These glass tubes are filled with various gases to achieve different colors. Pure-iron electrodes, enveloped by a glass jacket, are welded to both ends of the tube and connected to the transformer using high-voltage cables. Finally, the glass tubes are mounted onto a backing panel. On the other hand, faux neon signs (LED neon) follow a distinct manufacturing process compared to traditional glass tubing neon signs. Instead of utilizing glass and neon gas, LEDs in these signs are crafted from acrylic—a thermoplastic commonly known as Altuglas or Perspex. The production of an LED neon sign involves the following steps:
  • Our team machines the sign's backing from acrylic, metal, or wood, and the acrylic tubing, which will house the LEDs, is cut.
  • The cut components are then prepared and made ready for painting or applying vinyl.
  • Depending on the intricacy of the design, the sign is either painted or adorned with vinyl, with a preference for painting in intricate designs.
  • Low-voltage LEDs are carefully embedded within the tubing.
  • The sign's components are assembled and affixed to a backing board.
  • The sign undergoes a meticulous quality control process, ensuring its flawless appearance and highest quality.
>>>See more: How Long Do Neon Signs Last?

How do LED neon signs work?

How do LED neon signs work?
How do LED neon signs work?
How do LED neon signs work? An LED neon sign consists of a neon tube containing a small quantity of gas at low pressure, with neon chosen due to its status as a noble gas, which means it is environmentally non-reactive. The ionization of a neon atom, involving the removal of electrons, demands a significant amount of energy, supplied by electricity. The neon glass tube features positive (anode) and negative (cathode) metal electrodes, allowing a neon light to operate on either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). However, with DC, only the cathode emits light, resulting in a less visually appealing neon light. In contrast, with AC, both electrodes emit light, producing the characteristic vibrant glow of a neon sign. When an electric current is applied to the tube's end, it generates sufficient energy to remove outer electrons, ionizing the neon atoms. If the current supplied is insufficient, the electrons won't escape the neon atoms due to a lack of kinetic energy, preventing ionization and the display of colored light. Following ionization, the negatively charged neon atoms (cations) are attracted to the positive terminal, while free electrons (negatively charged) flow toward the negative terminal. This combination of charged particles, known as plasma, forms a circuit, completing the neon sign's illumination.

FAQs on LED Neon Signs

Do LED neon signs use a lot of electricity? 

Contemporary traditional neon signs are commonly fitted with a 240V transformer and typically consume electricity in the range of a single household light bulb (60W–100W). In contrast, a standard LED neon sign requires only 15%–20% of the power used by traditional neon signs for a comparable task.

How to clean LED neon signs?

How do LED neon signs work? Signs located in high-traffic areas generally require more frequent cleaning. Modern LED neon signs are coated with a protective polymer, while traditional personalized neon sign lights utilize delicate neon glass tubing. LED neon signs, being cool to the touch when illuminated, are easier to clean. Moreover, they don't contain hazardous gases, in contrast to traditional neon signs. Even though LED signs are safer to touch, it's advisable to turn off and unplug the sign from the power source before cleaning. To clean, start by using a feather duster to gently remove dust. For any remaining dust, employ a nylon brush with soft bristles, applying light pressure. If your sign has stubborn stains, prepare a mixture of ½ cup of household ammonia and ½ cup of water in a plastic container. Dampen a cloth with the mixture, ensuring to wring out any excess. Gently rub out any stains or grime from the surface of your sign.

How durable are LED neon signs? 

LED neon signs are highly durable, able to withstand a variety of weather conditions and are less susceptible to damage than traditional glass neon signs.

How long do LED neon signs last? 

How Long Do LED Neon Signs Last?
How long do LED neon signs last?

How do LED neon signs work? Another important consideration when it comes to LED neon signs is their lifespan. Traditional neon signs have an average lifespan of 8-15 years, depending on usage and maintenance. On the other hand, LED neon signs can last up to 50,000 hours, which is equivalent to over 5 years of continuous use. This means that LED neon signs require much less maintenance and replacement, making them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Factors That Affect the Lifespan of LED Neon Signs

While LED neon signs have a longer lifespan compared to traditional neon signs, there are still factors that can affect their longevity. These include:

  • Usage: The more frequently you use your LED neon sign, the shorter its lifespan will be. It is essential to turn off your sign when it is not needed to prolong its lifespan.
  • Location: Outdoor LED neon signs are exposed to harsh weather conditions, which can affect their lifespan. Indoor signs, on the other hand, are protected from these elements and can last longer.
  • Quality: The quality of the materials used to make the LED neon sign can also affect its lifespan. Cheaper signs may not last as long as higher-quality ones.

To ensure that your LED neon sign lasts as long as possible, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation, usage, and maintenance.

Are LED neon signs hot?

Traditional neon signs generate energy as a result of atoms, electrons, and ions colliding inside the tubes, producing both heat and light. In contrast, the lower voltage of LED neon signs ensures they remain cool to the touch as they do not generate significant heat. The advantage of LED neon signs not getting hot contributes to their more efficient electricity utilization compared to traditional neon signs, which often waste substantial power as heat rather than converting it into light.

How can I use an LED neon sign for my business? 

How do LED neon signs work? LED neon signs prove to be a highly effective strategy for business promotion, allowing you to connect with your target audience effectively. Integrating a neon sign into your business can make it easily discoverable at any time of the day or night, serving as a valuable branding asset. Employing neon signs for business promotion offers various benefits, including:
  • Establishing distinctive and memorable branding.
  • Attracting customers with an illuminated sign during nighttime hours.
  • Infusing personality and a sense of enjoyment into your business.
  • Utilizing creative marketing to highlight specific products or aspects of your business.
  • Incorporating imagery or quotes that resonate with your specific target audience.


So, we have just helped you answer your question “How do LED neon signs work?”. Hopefully, through this article, you have a clear understanding of how to make your LED neon signs work effectively and sustainably over time. For more detailed information and additional support, please contact us through: